As this is my first post here I guess a brief introduction is in order. I always describe my day job as “Standard Nerd”, but then again that’s not what I’m here for. Over the last twenty/thirty years or so I’ve made a number of forays into “the arts” from painting to music, to photography, to theatre, to writing (so much writing), and in the last few years: Puppetry.
My two big puppetry projects are a Puppet A Week for this year, which is feeding puppets to the puppetry troupe I’m the builder/a puppeteer for: Death By Puppets. For PaW I’m trying to stretch my skills in puppet design, construction, etc. With DxP we’re certainly stretching my ability with performance.
While I do spend a lot of time involved in activities that fall under the heading of “the arts”, I don’t consider myself an artist. I’ve long had problems considering the outcome of whatever putatively artistic endeavor I’m involved in as Art (with a capital A). My goal is primarily to improve my craftsmanship, and perhaps if I’m a good enough craftsman something somebody might consider artistic will come out of it. Mostly I’m hoping to have fun, and stretch.
What to expect from my postings around here? Puppets mostly, though I’m a geeky dad and I might take a few tangents now and then.
PS: This profanity-laden set of outtakes from a little recap I did of The Guild may represent far too well how my brain works. NSFW (language):